↑↑↑请大家自己去感受一下 "tipsy" 这个单词的意思
tipsy (adj.)
Definition: slightly drunk, as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages.
Ken got a little tipsy at the party last night.
Ken 昨晚在 party 喝得有一点点的醉意。
A: Yo, are you drunk?
B: Nah, I'm just tipsy.
A: Yo, 你醉了吗?
B: 没有,只是有点醉意而已。
The intro
(Listening Comprehension)
I've always spoken in English with you guys, and whenever I speak in Mandarin, something goes wrong as I mispronounce Mandarin all the time
And this poem is called uhh…《太常引》(宋) 辛弃疾
一轮秋影转金波,飞镜又重磨。把酒问姮娥:被白发欺人奈何!乘风好去,长空万里,直下看山河。I don't even know what this next character is→「斫」